Digital Magazine vs Physical Magazine
Digital Magazine (Cosmopolitan):
Moving images
A search bar to make finding things easier
Online shopping tab
Different tabs on the side
Big adverts
The positives for the audience when reading an online and physical magazine:
Digital magazine are much easier to access as you could go on your laptop and search your favourite magazine
They also have a search bar which makes finding what your're looking for a lot easier as you could just search a key work
Along with this there are multiple tabs along the top which appeal to the target audience of the magazine
For a physical magazine you won't have to pay for a subscription
On a physical magazine there are not any irritating pop up ads that may distract you
Physical magazines are aimed towards and can be read by anyone
Physical Magazine (Cosmopolitan):
Still images
Can pick one up from the shop
The negatives for the audience when reading an online and physical newspaper:
A digital magazine requires WiFi to access
Digital magazine also contains pop up ads which could distract you from what you're reading.
Digital magazine may also require a subscription to access certain areas
Digital magazines most likely have click bait which misleads you into clicking onto an article
Digital magazines are very much aimed towards people who comprehend the internet so realistically not towards pensioners.
Physical magazine will take up actual space
It get a physical magazine you'd have to potentially go to the shop to get one which requires effort
The positives of digital and physical magazines for the institution:
Digital magazines helps the institution increase magazine distribution on a global scale as there are a lot more people on the internet than at your local corner shop
As a result, digital magazines will make the institution more money through advertisements as companies will see that these magazines have high traffic on their website.
Physical magazines help the institution with stability
More physical magazine sales help the institution and keeps the relationship with the older generation
The negatives of digital and physical magazines for the institution:
Less and less use of physical magazines and higher use of digital is bad for the institution in terms of profit as that there are less magazine sales in shops.
This then could mean that these magazine companies begin to lose their connection with the older generation that may not use online magazines.
Less use of digital magazines means that there is less distribution of the magazine on a global scale and less money via advertisements as companies may not think that the magazine has enough daily traffic to advertise their business
From this task I have understood the differences between a physical and digital magazine. Along with this I have also learn't the positives and negatives of digital and physical magazine from the audience's view and from the view of the institution.