Panic Room
The Net Opening
0.01 - 0.10 - Music in the background which is diagetic and ambient. Diagetic voice which sounds computerised.
0.07 - Diagetic typing sound
0.10 - Diegetic cyberchat sound effects
0.17 - Sound affects
0.18 - Diagetic computer voice
0.25 - Dialogue
0.57 - Diagetic voice and non-diagetic music
1.23 - Keyboard clicks which are diagetic
0.00 - Close up of food, pizza is half eaten and a cup of M&Ms
0.01 - Camera tracks and moves to slowly reveal a character. Potentially the protagonist
0.10 - Eye line match close up of ‘cyber chat’
0.11 - Point of view of chat room
0.14 - Medium close up of main character
0.17 - Extreme close up of talk button
0.23 - Point of view of chatroom
0.24 - Extreme close up to an angel icon
0.27 - Close up as if the audience are the computer looking at Angela
0.34 - A quick extreme close up track of the chat room
0.38 - Goes back to point of view shot of computer
0.41 - Extreme close up of the computer screen showing a message
0.42 - The shot cuts out to a close up showing the whole chat between Angela and someone else.
0.51 - Another shot reverse shot as the camera cuts back to Angela.
0.49 - The camera begins to zoom into Angela's face
0.56 - Camera tracks around to show Angela's work space
0.58 - Cuts to an extreme close up of Angela's lips whilst she talks about her dream man
1.05 - Camera shows a close up of the chat room
1.11 - Shot reverses back to the Pov shot where the audience can watch Angela's face whilst shes typing .
1.18 - Reverses to the close up of screen, yet again focusing on the message Angela is writing
1.24 - Close up of Angela's face while shes speaking aloud the message she is writing.
1.28 - Extreme close up which tracks quickly across the screen to reveal the message sent
1.32 - The camera is placed almost behind the computer showing Angela’s expressions from another chat-mates
1.36 - Extreme close up of a chat-mates icon
1.38 - Extreme close up of Angela’s icon -
1.39 - Extreme close up of a face icon
1.41 - Extreme close up the words ‘one of us’
1.42 - Camera cuts to a POV where it is as if the audience is the computer watching Angela